
Bitcoin mining has fully recovered after the Chinese ban, turning America into a mining mecca

Bitcoin mining has fully recovered after cryptocurrency penetration in China shut down more than half of the world's miners almost overnight. Recovery is measured using hashrate, a term used to describe the processing power of all miners…

Selfish Mining

A situation in which a miner mines a new block but does not broadcast this new block to the other miners. What Is Selfish Mining?First proposed by Cornell researchers in 2013, “selfish mining” defines a mechanism for miners to work together…

Foundry Opened a New Market for Bitcoin Mining Rigs: Report

Foundry has opened a new Bitcoin mining rig marketplace called FoundryX, which brings together buyers and sellers of Bitcoin mining rigs as we can see today in our latest Bitcoin news. Foundry has opened a new BTC mining marketplace that…

Bitcoin Hash Rate Returns to All-Time High: Report

Bitcoin hash rates have returned to all-time highs after dropping to 84 EH / s in June and returning to 175 EH / s this week as we can see from our latest Bitcoin news today. Bitcoin hash rates have returned to an all-time high when they…

Mining Rig

Equipment that is used for mining cryptocurrencies.What Is a Mining Rig?The term “mining rig” can be a rather broad one to say the least. It could refer to a single computer that has been dedicated to mining cryptocurrencies — or refer…

Mining Rewards

Mining rewards are the rewards that crypto miners receive for mining a new block on the blockchain.What Are Mining Rewards?A mining reward, otherwise known as a block reward, is the amount of cryptocurrency you get for successfully mining a…

Mining Reward

The income that miners receive after finding and validating a block.What Is a Mining Reward?As the name suggests, a mining reward is the compensation that’s given to the miner who successfully manages to process a block of transactions —…

Mining Pool

An arrangement where a number of miners pool their resources to increase their chances of finding the next block.What Is a Mining Pool?On certain blockchains — Bitcoin being one of them — there can be a lot of competition between miners…

Mining Farm

A mining farm is when a group of miners mine together for a variety of advantageous reasons, like energy use.What Is a Mining Farm?One of the most popular ways through which many people get cryptocurrencies is through the process of mining them.…

Mining Difficulty

The mining difficulty of a cryptocurrency is how difficult it is to find the right hash for the next block.What Is Mining Difficulty?The mining difficulty of a cryptocurrency is an indication of how difficult (as well as time-consuming) it actually…

Mining Contract

Another term for cloud mining, where users can rent or invest in mining capacity online.What Is a Mining Contract?Another term for cloud mining, where users can rent or invest in mining capacity online.


A process where blocks are added to a blockchain, verifying transactions. It is also the process through which new bitcoin or some altcoins are created.What Is Mining?A process where blocks are added to a blockchain, verifying transactions.…