
Hash Power / Hash Rate

A unit of measurement for the amount of computing power being consumed by the network to continuously operate. What Is Hash Power/Hash Rate?Hash power, or hash rate, are interchangeable terms used to describe the combined computational power…

Hash Function

Any function used to map data of arbitrary size to data of a fixed size. *see Cryptographic Hash Function.What Is a Hash Function?Any function used to map data of arbitrary size to data of a fixed size. *see Cryptographic Hash Function.


A hash is the output result of a hashing algorithm, which creates a unique, fixed-length string to encrypt and secure a certain selection of arbitrary data. What Is a Hash?Hashing algorithms are essentially the backbone of all cybersecurity…

Cryptographic Hash Function

Cryptographic hash functions produce a fixed-size hash value from a variable-size transaction input.What Is a Cryptographic Hash Function?A cryptographic hash function is an algorithm, i.e. a repeatable sequence of specific actions, that can…