
Virgin Bitcoin

A bitcoin that has never been spent.What Is Virgin Bitcoin?A bitcoin that has never been spent.

Verification Code

A verification code is a security protection method that is used to avoid internet bots from abusing or even spamming various online services. What Is a Verification Code?A verification code is a security protection method that is used to avoid…

Venture Capital

A form of private equity provided to fund small, early-stage firms considered to have high growth potential.What Is Venture Capital?A form of private equity provided to fund small, early-stage firms considered to have high growth potential.…


A cryptocurrency project that is never actually developed.What Is Vaporware?A cryptocurrency project that is never actually developed.

Vanity Address

A cryptocurrency public address with custom letters and numbers, usually picked by its owner.What Is a Vanity Address?A cryptocurrency public address with custom letters and numbers, usually picked by its owner.


A participant on a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain, involved in validating blocks for rewards.What Is a Validator?A validator is a crucial part of the Proof of Stake (POS) consensus mechanism whose responsibility is to verify blocks to earn…

Utility Token

Tokens that are designed specifically to be able to help people use something. What Is a Utility Token? Utility tokens are tokens that are designed specifically to be able to help people use something. The use of utility tokens is limited to…

UTC Time

Coordinated Universal Time. What Is UTC Time?In the context of cryptocurrencies, the crypto world runs on UTC. In contrast to most financial exchanges, cryptocurrencies operate on a 24/7 basis. Using a standardized time simplifies things greatly…

US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

The US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is a financial intelligence and enforcement agency of the US Treasury Department.What Is the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)?The US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is a financial…

Unstoppable Domains

Unstoppable Domains is the name of a San-Francisco based company that provides blockchain-based domain names to users.What Is Unstoppable Domains?Unstoppable Domains is the name of a San-Francisco based company that provides blockchain-based…

Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)

A transaction that is left unspent after being completed, similar to leftover change after making a purchase.What Is an Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)?In the cryptocurrency world, unspent transaction output, or UTXO, designates an output…

Unpermissioned Ledger

A public ledger that is open to anyone, without being controlled by a single owner.What Is a Unpermissioned Ledger?An unpermissioned ledger — also known as permissionless or public — is a ledger that anyone can access and download. Users…