
Decentralized Autonomous Initial Coin Offerings (DAICO)

A method for decentralized funding of projects that introduces a form of governance in the ICO process, allowing backers to vote for the return of their funds if certain conditions are met.What Are Decentralized Autonomous Initial Coin Offerings…

Decentralized Applications (DApps)

A type of application that runs on a decentralized network, avoiding a single point of failure.What Are Decentralized Applications (DApps)?DApps are any computer applications whose operation is maintained by a distributed network of computer-nodes,…

Decentralized API (dAPI)

API services that are intrinsically interoperable with blockchain technology are known as decentralized application programming interfaces (dAPIs). This is an invention of the API3 protocol.What Is  Decentralized API (dAPI)?APIs are the backbone…


Decentralization refers to the property of a system in which nodes or actors work in concert in a distributed fashion to achieve a common goal.What Is Decentralized?Decentralized organizations are those that do not rely on a single center of…