Buy The (F*******) Dip (BTD/BTFD)
An enthusiastic exclamation by supporters of a cryptocurrency to buy while prices are at a low point.
What Is Buy The (F*******) Dip?
Buy The (F*******) Dip is the modus operandi for cryptocurrency bulls; it implies that any dips in the price of your favorite coin should mean only one thing that it’s f******* time to buy more.
Hardcore cryptocurrency bulls come in all shapes and sizes, but they have at least one thing in common: all of them believe that the only destination for their coin of choice is the moon.If one is to adhere to this way of thinking, it stands to reason that price dips should be considered not as any sort of reflection of a change in the fair value of an asset, but rather as short-lived flash sales to be taken advantage of. Thus, buy the f******* dip became the motto for crypto bulls.
In theory, being committed to buying the f******* dip allows one to leverage the inevitable and frequent, but temporary, drops in the price of an otherwise uptrending asset and dollar-cost-average into owning more.
In practice, far removed from being a coherent trading strategy — owing to the impossibility of pinpoint predictions of every price dip or indeed the nigh-unpredictability of the long-term success of any asset — BTFD is nevertheless a distinct way of life for a crypto bull.
It is the manifestation of that unrelenting optimism which some would say is necessary for the people who are used to waking up on some mornings and finding out that their portfolio has been torpedoed by the uncaring forces of the market, and that 20% of their net worth has been wiped out overnight — a.k.a. crypto investors. Dips are life and BTFD is the secret sauce that separates weak hands from future Lambo owners.