Exchange NameCoinDCX
Volume (24H) $19,998,005.40
208.96 BTC
Established Year2018
Coindcx exchange 24 hours trading volume is $19,998,005.40 (208.96 BTC). Coindcx is established in year 2018. This cryptocurrency exchange is located in Singapore

Started on April 7th, 2018, CoinDCX is a Singapore-based company that specializes in crypto-enabled financial services. Offering you the simplest yet robust trading environment to trade 200+ coins, 500+ markets, and 150+ coins on leverage at lightning speed. With major fintech innovations going across the world, DCX is bringing a revolution with its crypto-based products. DCX is not just for the banked or unbanked, DCX aims to build an all-inclusive ecosystem by bringing trust between the trustless. DCX is focused on developing borderless financial services which ensure faster, simpler, and uninterrupted flow of capital. Through its array of products, DCX is upgrading lives every day.

# Currency Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated

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